This is where the fun begins!
Always remember that you must constantly strike a balance between art and commerce. You must create the best art you can within the schedule deadlines. This is a career in publishing, so you must always give as much attention and care to your deadlines as you do to your art.
Here is a sample schedule I used on Nightwing. From experience, I know that, on average, I can do 3 "elements" per day. One "element", for me, is either the layout for one story page, or the finished pencil work for one story page. In this scheme, each finished page counts for a total of (2) elements. Covers count like this: (1) element for concept sketches, (1) element for the layout, (1) element for the finished pencils, and (1) element for the inking -- which add up to (4) elements for an inked cover.
Usually, each "element" (excepting inking) takes 3-4 hours, sometimes a bit shorter, sometimes much longer! I try to target my work to produce 15-18 elements each week.
What's important is that YOU discover how YOU like to work, and how YOU can account for YOUR work production!

Actual Work Log
Click pic to open a large version in a separate window!
This is a copy of one of the logs I actually completed earlier this year.
I keep track of the time I spend on each task daily, and total them up at week's end.

Blank Work Log
Click pic to open a large version in a separate window!
This is a copy of the blank log sheet I created on Microsoft Word.
Feel free to use it to keep track of your OWN work!
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