That's it! I told you it was easy!

Sit back and relax! You're part of the job is done! But, it's far from being a finished comic!

The pencil art is now ready to go to the letterer, then to the inker. Next, reduced copies of the inked and lettered art go to the colorist who prepares the "color guides." The "color guide" is the reduced photocopy colored using markers, or dyes, or watercolors, or colored pencil. Next, the guides and the original black&white art go to the digital colorist/separator. Finally, it's on to the printer, then onto the distributor, then on the store racks! Piece of cake!

Some final thoughts for all the eager aspiring artists:

  • Draw every day
  • Draw from life
  • Learn to draw everything you can (cars, boats, flowers, etc.)
  • Study a good filmmaking book (like "The 5 C's of Cinematography")
  • Be yourself
  • Have fun
Good luck!!