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Studio Gear | Stuff you're going to need!
Schedule | How to MEET Deadlines!
Sequential Art #1 | Nightwing #32 pages 11-13
Cover Design | How to design a cover!
Character Design | Various Nightwing supporting characters
BONUS -- Statue | Nightwing medium statue ASPIRING ARTIST INFO
Employment | Employment, pay and art returns
Books | Books recommended to study!
Drawing Exercise #1 | Cylinder bodies
Drawing Exercise #2 | Life Studies
Drawing Exercise #3 | Sports shots
Drawing Exercise #4 | Dual - sports shots and heroes
Drawing Exercise #5 | Your favorite characters!
Dynamic Figure Drawing #1 | Nightwing in action!
Dynamic Figure Drawing #2 | Superman as the orig. Nightwing!
| 1-point to 5-point sytems!
Art Process #1
| Thumbnails to Final image (from The Great Ten #1)
Art Process #2
| Thumbnails to Final image (from The Great Ten #2)
Art Process #3
| Thumbnails to Final image (from The Great Ten #3)
Art Process #4
| Thumbnails to Final image (from The Great Ten #4)
Action Scene #1
| Action scene storytelling! (from The Great Ten #5) |